Sideways caret symbol
Sideways caret symbol

sideways caret symbol

Node.js uses the caret in package.json files to signify dependency resolution behavior being used for each particular dependency.


In Apple's C extensions for Mac OS X and iOS, carets are used to create blocks and to denote block types. NET reference types are accessed through a handle using the ClassName^ syntax. In Smalltalk, the caret is the method return statement.

sideways caret symbol

Pascal uses the caret for declaring and dereferencing pointers. RFC 1345 recommends that the character be transcribed as digraph '> when required. In regular expressions, the caret is used to match the beginning of a string or line if it begins a character class, then the inverse of the class is to be matched.ĪNSI C can transcribe the caret in the form of the trigraph ?', as the character was originally not available in all character sets and keyboards.Ĭ++ additionally supports tokens like xor (for ^) and xor_eq (for ^=) to avoid the character altogether. It can signify exponentiation, the bitwise XOR operator, string concatenation, and control characters in caret notation, among other uses. The caret ^ has many uses in programming languages, where it is typically called a caret. This caret is not to be confused with other chevron-shaped characters, such as the turned v or the logical AND, which may occasionally be called carets. In Unicode it is encoded as U+005E ^ CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT and in HTML may be inserted with &hat. Later, the character became reused in computer languages for many other purposes, and over time its appearance was enlarged and lowered, making it unusable as an accent mark. Initially, the symbol was included in typewriters and computer printers so that circumflex accents could be overprinted on letters (as in ô or ŵ). The original meaning of the word caret is a symbol used to indicate where a punctuation mark, word, or phrase should be inserted into a document.

Sideways caret symbol